[Archived: Special Debates] Political Battle - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Okey, down to Steven_K, Gandalf and Liberalist.
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By MB.
Ice_Demon wrote:There is Mr Bill, but I;ve never really seen him really debate

Trut that- you don't wanna fuck with me man... if you ever corner me, I'll crush you like a bug :lol:
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I wish SF could make a "Debates 2004" forum with 1 section for each team (password protected) after all the teams have been selected. They would be for planning and such.
By GandalfTheGrey
Sorry guys I got here a bit late. It seems I will be captain for the liberal team. So far I have Steven_K in the team, I need two others. Ice_Demon, I would be happy for you to be in the team since you have expressed enthusiasm.

I agree with Gonzo that we should have a seperate debate forum

Kam wrote:The essay can be as long as you want it to be. It'll be the introduction to your debate. Here, you'll entail your polemics with the opposing ideology. Following that, given 3-4 days, you will compose a reply to your opponents essay not only refuting his claims but also incorporating series of questions you'd like for them to answer, other arguements, etc.. Until 3 or so rounds will there be a chosen winner which will progress to the next round.

This sounds dangerously vague. What is the essay, just a general speel about your ideology? I strongly suggest that each debate be refined to a very specific question or statement, which we can debate for or against.
By Kamil
I believe that we should have two essays. One entailing our arguements with the opposing ideology and the other serving as a guideline to our ideology.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Gandalf I am making a definitive format that is clear and descriptive. Kam is just giving suggestions. I am going to be done with the rules soon enough.
Did anyone else notice that the scales weren't balenced in SBG's sig? :eek:
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By Demosthenes
Yes, and they're tilting dangerously far to the left...
no seriously, in the sig, they're tilting to the right :eek: eek!

Anyway, where is this debate taking place?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
There will most likely be a forum set up for it. I am doing the rules and schedules and have a few more people to appoint to judges. I have made the sigs and we are almost all ready to go. everyone has to finalize their teams as well.

Don't forget that your teamates need to use the sigs I have made according to their teams.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Kam, I love you. This is genius! (Can't read it right now though because I'm moving. :'()
By Jesse
I imagine it'll fall upon my shoulders to captain the Platonist team - and what a responsibility. Luckily, totalitarians are big on responsibility.

I'd like to ask Sapper and Starman to participate on the Platonist team, as well as Vivisekt, as while it may not reflect his ideology exactly, his knowledge of it is precise, superior and knowledgeable and he is able to explain and defend it with eloquence. Failing that, I'll have to look to another. Unless I only need myself and two others... in which case, I'll PM those two gents and hope to get their cooperation. Perhaps I'll remind them of their sense of duty and obligation - two other proud virtues of authoritarians.

I've changed my signature and will try and organize and assure the cohesion of my debate team.
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By MB.
So.... what do the teams look like so far?

And more importantly, do we have a time table yet?
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Wait, if maxim is the debate judge who is the socialist captian?
I guess y'all have to pick one then! :)
By GandalfTheGrey
Ice_Demon wrote:Wait, if maxim is the debate judge who is the socialist captian?

I believe it is Gothmog.

Mr Oil wrote:So.... what do the teams look like so far?

3. Ice_Demon
4. ?

I am waiting to hear back from Liberalist. Otherwise, we need to find someone else. Any volunteers or nominations?
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By Attila The Nun
Take me at your own risk, Gandalf.

And I think Damien should be socialist captain. He believes in the glory of socialism most. That and it would be funny to see him debate real issues.
By GandalfTheGrey
Triggerhappy Nun wrote:Take me at your own risk, Gandalf.

stay tuned
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Do you guys have a communist yet? I'd be up for being delegate for that if Jaakko isn't already.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
TROI wrote:Do you guys have a communist yet? I'd be up for being delegate for that if Jaakko isn't already.

Jaakko is the captain and is currently deciding. since you are a socialist though if you want troi you can head the Socialists if you want.
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