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By Comrade Ogilvy
Triple Alliance for four people? :?:
Also, the water colors are confusing. Other than that, it's creative, and I like it.
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By enLight
Count me in for the conservative team.
By Boris
enLight wrote:Count me in for the conservative team.

enLight! Good to have you back...

Daovonnaex wrote:Triple Alliance for four people? :?:
Also, the water colors are confusing. Other than that, it's creative, and I like it.

Don't you see that it is refering to an alliance system of world war one with jon and matt in England, Adrien in France, and me, currently living in the US...

Although, the triple alliance was really Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary and the entente was between Britain,Russia, and France...

America just stood back in world war one and sold weapons to both sides for a few years. When it finally looked like germany was going to lose, America stepped in and wiped them out and profited greatly.

Water colours I am guessing is water temp judging by the amount of warm water by the US's eastern coast. That of coarse being the Gulf Stream Current that allows for Britain to not be freezing and for it to always be rainly and dreary there....
Last edited by Boris on 29 Jun 2004 17:32, edited 1 time in total.
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By enLight
Boris wrote:enLight! Good to have you back...

It's good to be back! This PoFo Debate event sounds very interesting and the Conservative team was having trouble finding active members. So upon special request, I'm back for the event!
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Prepare for the crushing defeat that you shall be dealt to by us.
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By Vivisekt
enLight wrote:Count me in for the conservative team.

Nice! I was hoping you'd show up for the Cons.
By Boris
enLight wrote:
Boris wrote:enLight! Good to have you back...

It's good to be back! This PoFo Debate event sounds very interesting and the Conservative team was having trouble finding active members. So upon special request, I'm back for the event!

And demo didn't believe me when I said the conservatives would have a hard time finding decent members. You really should grab some people from other political forums.
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By Demosthenes
The only reason I had a hard time was because the people I wanted are a little scattered.

Still like that sig cutie...You got somewher to be tonight? ;)
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By enLight
Vivisekt wrote:Nice! I was hoping you'd show up for the Cons.

Yes, but unfortunately I'm going to be out of town during the Conservatives vs Platonists debate! :knife: Too bad really, since you are by far the most worthy opponent in this debate. Never fear, I will prepare some notes ahead of time to help my team out. ;)

Unless, of course, we can somehow change the date... :?:

If not, so be it. I don't want to mess up the whole schedule due to a tiny misfortune.
Last edited by enLight on 28 Jun 2004 08:34, edited 1 time in total.
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By The American Lion
enLight wrote:
Vivisekt wrote:Nice! I was hoping you'd show up for the Cons.

Yes, but unfortunately I'm going to be out of town during the Conservatives vs Platonists debate! :knife: Too bad really, since you are by far the most worthy opponent in this debate. Never fear, I will prepare some notes ahead of time to help my team out... ;)

I can fill your spot, but for some reason I have much more respect to the Plato members.
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By Todd D.
Daovonnaex wrote:Fine. Replace feminist with feminazi.

On another note, I have nothing against women taking off their bras and burning them. In fact, I encourage it.

This is a direct relay from my buddy, and she even writes like me.

It brings a tear to my eye.
The term feminazi is also a derogatory term that stereotypes feminists yet again.

Maybe he should look it up, but he probably doesn't feel like he has the mental power to do so, so I'll do it for him:

http://www.campusprogram.com/reference/ ... inazi.html

It pisses me off when people like him think they know what the movement is about. This whole bra burning action was not the pivotal role in the movement. Just a small part to a very large action. Maybe if he knew what was truly behind that specific action (bra burning) I wouldn't think so lowly of his statement. But due to his reference of, "I encourage girls to take off their bras" I find him to be an inane peon that has no true concept of what he is talking about because if he did know what he was talking about he would know that in saying what he said he is just objectifying women even more. But hey then again this is just coming from a feminist (who is wearing a bra at the moment, thank you very much).

I think it's safe to say that you may or may not have a new one, because it looks to me like she just tore it.
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I can fill your spot, but for some reason I have much more respect to the Plato members.

Because you are a fascist?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Todd, I wasn't calling her a feminazi. Given that she has male friends, she cannot even come close to qualifying as a feminazi. I used the term feminazi in the same way Rush Limbaugh did when he coined the term: for the ones who are most obnoxious. Basically, the "man-haters". People like Ariana Huffington, Gloria Steinhem, and Gloria Allred fall into this category (although Steinhem may be reformed).

As to my bra burning comment, yes, I was objectifying women, as all men do from time to time.
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Don't you mean Triple Entente?
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By Noumenon
There are feminazis out there Todd D., but thats not to say all feminists are feminazis. These ones are however:

"I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which a man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He's just incapable of it." -- Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan

"All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French, Author, "The Women's Room"

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." -- Robin Morgan, MS. Magazine Editor

"We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men." Elizabeth Cady Stanton, quoted in " One Woman, One Voice ", Wheeler, page 58.

"No woman should be authorized to stay at home to raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one." Simone de Beauvoir, author of _The Second Sex_, the book that is credited with launching the mainstream of the modern feminist movement ---

A lot more here: http://www.fathers.bc.ca/feminist_quotes.htm

You might call them feminazis, or maybe just sexist pigs, but they do exist, and theres more than a few of them.
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By Todd D.
I call them sexist fools, and I don't think that they represent a majority of the femenist movement. Of course they exist, but I think quoting them is like CWAS quoting Fallwell and Phelps to prove that Christianity is offensive.
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Christianity is beautiful
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Todd D. wrote:I call them sexist fools, and I don't think that they represent a majority of the femenist movement. Of course they exist, but I think quoting them is like CWAS quoting Fallwell and Phelps to prove that Christianity is offensive.
I don't think any of us ever said that people like Rosie O'Donnel represent a majority of feminists.
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