April Satire. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By amjdmg
Wtf is Hitler doing in that cartoon? :eek: Stupid simile... Just like those people who think public smoking shouldn't be banned: "Hitler also imposed a smoking ban".
By Bricktop
Bill Leak's reply to the Indonesian cartoon depicting John Howard screwing Alexander Downer on the territory of West Papua. The Indonesian cartoon was pathetic in my opinion - it tried to argue that Australia wanted to invade and colonise West Papua, when asylum seekers from there were granted bridging visas. Bill Leak's cartoon, while rather tasteless, is more accurate of the position (no pun intended) that West Papua is currently in - getting royally screwed over by Indonesia.


This following one was from late March but very much on topic at the moment:

By Spin
Gay is so millenium?
By | I, CWAS |

I don't get it. Light Tyranny is sexier than full blown?
By The Decay of Meaning

A pig drawing the cartoon while saying saracsticly: "What is it? What's wrong? You never heard of something called Freedom of Expression? Haha".
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By Matthijs

Bush has Scandinavian ancestors.

"We're here to restore order and peace."
By Schrödinger's Kitty
"I don't get it. Light Tyranny is sexier than full blown?"

I think they want Belarus to be a capitalist homosexual. Those countries are a little too "close." ;)

I am offended. I have nothing to do with Bush.
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By Dan
Wow that cartoon of DoM's is sure subtle ain't it?

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By Yeddi
I think the funny thing about that CWAS is that it's more likely than not an American soldier on the cover. He's not wearing French Camo and is not carrying a FAMAS
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By Ombrageux
I get mildly annoyed when North Americans associate France with military cowardice. From the middle ages to Napoleon she was number 1, between Napoleon and WW2 she was a front-rank Great Power. Since 1945, (or, rather, since independence was granted Algeria, 1962) compared to the rest of Europe France has had a degree of power and independence unrivalled by any other European country. (Germany for having no armed forces to speak of, Italy for not having the prestige to lead, UK for being dependent on USA) That power is tiny compared to the USA or Russia, but I don't see how one could expect a medium-sized country like France to rival them.

France's power has not been felt much since '45 given the dominance of the superpowers. That said, she's had some genuine independent action in sub-saharan Africa (Chad, Rwanda), in some cases arguably stopping the superpowers escalating those conflicts.

Ahem, I know it's just satire, but still.
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By Boondock Saint
The following cartoon references the syringe that was thrown at Barry Bonds on opening day. It should be noted that there was no needle in the syringe.


This is an interesting piece, it resembles an observation that I have been making about native US citizens (myself included) believing that we are simply entitled to jobs just because we were born here. The question posed is 'what do US citizens actually resent about illegals?' Their illegal status? Or their work ethic?


The following shows the cynical nature of Americans in regards to US politics and I believe, it accuratly portrays the United States govt.

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By The Antiist
I get mildly annoyed when North Americans associate France with military cowardice. From the middle ages to Napoleon she was number 1, between Napoleon and WW2 she was a front-rank Great Power. Since 1945, (or, rather, since independence was granted Algeria, 1962) compared to the rest of Europe France has had a degree of power and independence unrivalled by any other European country. (Germany for having no armed forces to speak of, Italy for not having the prestige to lead, UK for being dependent on USA) That power is tiny compared to the USA or Russia, but I don't see how one could expect a medium-sized country like France to rival them.

France's power has not been felt much since '45 given the dominance of the superpowers. That said, she's had some genuine independent action in sub-saharan Africa (Chad, Rwanda), in some cases arguably stopping the superpowers escalating those conflicts.

Ahem, I know it's just satire, but still.

I know what you're saying, but in WWII they did capitulate and cooperated with the Nazi's rather than to fight until they gave it all and they got crushed at Vietnam.
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By Yeddi
I know what you're saying, but in WWII they did capitulate and cooperated with the Nazi's rather than to fight until they gave it all and they got crushed at Vietnam.

It must be remembered that both of those 'republics' no longer exist and in relation to WW2 dispite their troubled government surrendering a substantial group of the French Forces continued to fight against the Nazi's and the Vichy Government. In many ways WW2 was also a civil war for the French with the 'Free French' and the Vichy French. and do not forget the thousands of French men and women who fought in the resistence throughout the war.

Vietnam is an interesting example and I would wonder, do you consider that the Americans were 'crushed' in Vietnam? because it was really much the same thing, they failed at gaining control of the country and left after much international and internal pressures against a very unpopular war.
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By Boondock Saint
So the French debate is still going? Despite my best efforts to kill it with new cartoons?

Is this not one of the PoFo dead horses?

At any rate, since we are refusing to drop our sticks ...

I think many forget what France did post-WWII in relation to NATO. The Charles de Gaulle era of France put a vile taste in the mouths of many Americans, I can only assume the same is true for many British and Australians as well.

Now we need to keep in mind that often the actual reason for prejudices are forgotten whilst the prejudice itself remains. This leaves later generations holding onto the prejudices whilst not actuall know why and leaving them only with the choice of guessing what the causes were.

Cowardice is a trait that most cultures deplore and find to be one of the worst insults that you can level at another people/individual.

Now, you add up the French role in world politics of the mid to late 20th century and what do you see?

- Capitulation and surrender to the Germans.

- Absolute indignation to the US and UK post-WWII in the form of de Gaulleism.

- Absolute unwillingness to work with NATO in a military manner.

- Flight from fight in Vietnam.

The above is what led to the prejudice, the prejudice naturally turned towards the worst insults that many cultures can think of ... cowardice.

So it makes no sense ot bring up Napolean, he had nothing to do with it. It makes no sense to bring up the French empires or the French role in WWI, they had nothing to do with it.

I grew up with the prejudice that the French;

- Are arrogant.

- Dislike Americans because of said arrogance.

- Are cowardly.

This is because my parents were raised to believe this due to their parents generation having such a negative experience with France post WWII.

It's a prejudice that will simply not go away, it just won't. It's the same reason the prejudice of Americans being cowboys won't go away.

It's just the way it is.

*Edit Note*

Vietnam is an interesting example and I would wonder, do you consider that the Americans were 'crushed' in Vietnam? because it was really much the same thing, they failed at gaining control of the country and left after much international and internal pressures against a very unpopular war.

Dien Bien Phu.
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By Yeddi
Yes, I am aware of Dien Bien Phu.... May I counter with some other Gook names:

Hue, Tet.

Whilst these weren't really as devestating to the Americans than DBP to the French they were still amazingly effeective campaigns by the North.

- Flight from fight in Vietnam.

The Americans and Australians did the same thing...

But I understand all that you're saying Boon, the predudice will not go away but I happen to like the Frenchies and as my brothers in the European Union I will fight for them :p

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