Nazi Germany's Olympics - Politics | PoFo

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By redstarline
The Nazis hailed their Olympic Games as a great success. The world chose to ignore the repression of the German people to attend the games and the media was filled with athletes and crowds hailing Hitler.
The USA won Olympic Gold with a man whose rights in his home country were serverly restricted but who was held up as an example to the world of the might of the USA.

Who benefitted from the Games and were they the success that they were claimed to be?
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By KurtFF8
If im not mistaken it was a black american athelte that won certain medals which pissed Hitler off.

It is ironic that the Olympostadium(probably spelled incorrectly) is also the place that the 2006 world cup final was and before the game they placed a huge banner in the middle that said something along the lines of "end racism now"
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By Zagadka
If im not mistaken it was a black american athelte that won certain medals which pissed Hitler off.

That would be the amazing Jesse Owens, 4 gold medals in track & field.

The 1936 Olympics are a very notable event, given Jesse Owens, being the first televised event, Leni Riefenstahl's Trupmh Des Willens (one of the most significant documentaries in the history of filmography)... many other things. It was a wild year. It it weren't for the '72 and '80 dramas, it would definitely be the most significant Olypmics ever.
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By Red Rebel
The world chose to ignore the repression of the German people

Well all the repression stopped when people came for the Olympics. Example: seats that said no jews, those signs were taken down.
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By Captain Hat
Of course they were a success.Just because some group is evil doesn't take away the accomplishments that were made.

Yep. The Olympics is a about competition, not politics. With this in mind, the worst problem of those olympics were the restrictions made against Jewish atheletes and drug use by the Germans.
By Sniperwolfe
What pised off hitler the most was, He wanted no jews at the event. So the U.S. on the contrary sent a black man. (Or am i thinking of something else?)
By Ixa
If im not mistaken it was a black american athelte that won certain medals which pissed Hitler off.
That's actually a myth.

German Myth 10
The 1936 Berlin Olympics: Hitler and Jesse Owens


Which brings us to another Olympic myth. It is often stated that Jesse Owens' four gold medals humiliated Hitler by proving to the world that Nazi claims of Aryan superiority were a lie. But Hitler and the Nazis were far from unhappy with the Olympic results. Not only did Germany win far more medals than any other country at the 1936 Olympics, but the Nazis had pulled off the huge public relations coup that Olympic opponents had predicted, casting Germany and the Nazis in a positive light.

Jesse Owens' reception by the German public and the spectators in the Olympic stadium was warm. There were German cheers of 'Yesseh Oh-vens' or just 'Oh-vens' from the crowd. Owens was a true celebrity in Berlin, mobbed by autograph seekers to the point that he complained about all the attention. He later claimed that his reception in Berlin was greater than any other he had ever experienced, and he was quite popular even before the Olympics.

Hitler did shun a black American athlete at the 1936 Games, but it wasn't Jesse Owens. On the first day of the Olympics, just before Cornelius Johnson, an African American althlete who won the first gold medal for the U.S. that day, was to receive his award, Hitler left the stadium early. Prior to his departure, Hitler had received a number of winners, but Olympic officials informed the German leader that in the future he must receive all of the winners or none at all. After the first day, he opted to acknowledge none. Jesse Owens had his victories on the second day, when Hitler was no longer in attendance.

One reason the Hitler snub myth is so hard to kill is that Owens himself, after initial attempts to set the record straight, started telling the story himself. He grew tired of trying to deny a tale that the American press had erroneously reported widely and that had taken on a life of its own. Would Hitler have snubbed Owens if he had been in the stadium on day two? Perhaps. But since he wasn't there, he didn't.
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By Rabid_NS
Who benefitted from the Games and were they the success that they were claimed to be?

Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 Germany 33 26 30 89
2 United States 24 20 12 56
3 Hungary 10 1 5 16
4 Italy 8 9 5 22
5 Finland 7 6 6 19
6 France 7 6 6 19
7 Sweden 6 5 9 20
8 Japan 6 4 8 18
9 Netherlands 6 4 7 17
10 Great Britain 4 7 3 14

Source: ... &OLGY=1936

I think I would call it that a German victory.

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